At Sidegate Dental Practice we are proud to offer a wide range of facial aesthetic treatments to keep you looking and feeling at your best!


Ageing is a natural process, however there are specific lifestyle factors which can have impact on how early we may develop lines and wrinkles. There are two different types of wrinkles: dynamic and static. Anti- wrinkle Injections works well only on wrinkles that are caused by muscle movement. These are known as dynamic wrinkles, and are often called “expression lines.”

The most common dynamic wrinkles that anti- wrinkle injections can treat are lines on the upper face, such as the “11” between the brows, horizontal lines on the forehead, and crow’s feet around the eyes. These lines are caused by smiling, frowning, squinting, and other facial expressions.

It will not work on fine lines and wrinkles caused by sagging or loss of plumpness in the face. These are known as static wrinkles. Static wrinkles include lines in the cheeks, neck, and jowl areas.

Anti – wrinkle Injections are not a permanent treatment. Repeated treatments are necessary for continued wrinkle-reducing effects. Most people find that the muscle – relaxing effect of anti – wrinkle lasts for 3 to 6 months.


Hyperhidrosis is the term that describes excessive sweating. Treatment by injecting medicine into underarms has been proven to have up to 87% reduction in sweat production. Results are visible from day 3 following treatment best results after two weeks. Follow up injections are required a year to 18 months after to maintain results.


As we age the skin loses its elasticity and collagen causing our facial features to change. Lines and hollows start to become more noticeable and skin becomes saggy with deep folds.

Environmental factors such as sun and pollution will also age the skin more prematurely.

Dermal fillers can be composed of hyaluronic acid, alpha hydroxyapatite, or collagen. We use hyaluronic acid-based fillers which are safe and reversible. Dermal fillers are very safe injectable gels (when administered by an experienced medical/dental practitioner) that provide hydration and structure to smooth away the Appearance of lines, wrinkles, creases and enhance facial shape.

Depending on which product is chosen from the many available to us, the longevity of the product can be between 6 months and in some cases up to 2 years or longer. Your practitioner will advise you of the longevity at your consultation appointment. Longevity is affected based on product choice and also dependent on the area of the fact that it is injected into and the level of injection. A dermal filler injected deeply in a less mobile area of the face such as the temple for example will normally last longer than a lip dermal filler, which is placed in the highly mobile mouth area. Each one of these is designed to treat different signs of aging or other cosmetic issues. People should discuss their individual needs and expectations with the dentist to determine what filler would be the best choice for them.


Different types of dermal fillers are designed to treat varying signs of aging. Depending on the filler selected, they may:

  • Plump up thinning lips
  • Enhance or fill in shallow areas on the face
  • Decrease or remove the shadow or wrinkle under the eyes caused by the lower eyelid
  • Fill in or soften the look of recessed scars
  • Fill in or soften static wrinkles, especially on the lower face

Static wrinkles include those around the mouth and along the cheeks. These wrinkles are usually a result of a loss of collagen and elasticity in the skin.


They can enhance the facial volume and shape. Ideal for static lines (wrinkles present when not moving) include those around the mouth, along the cheeks and minor adjustments to facial shape. These wrinkles are usually a result of a loss of collagen and elasticity in the skin. Effects can last from a few months to years.


Hyaluronic acid filler placed in and around the lips to improve shape and increase fullness.


Hyaluronic acid filler for the nasolabial folds (nose to mouth) and marionette lines (mouth to chin). Dermal filler is a simple and effective way to treat these ageing lines.


Hyaluronic acid Filler placed to enhance the cheek and give a more defined, youthful look.


Hyaluronic acid filler place at strategic points on the chin to lift the chin to give a more defined look.


Hyaluronic acid filler placed at strategic points along the jawline which lift and contour heavy jowls and redefine the jaw line.



Wrinkles on forehead (frown lines).

Anti-wrinkle Injections.

Disproportionate size of upper and lower lip.

Fillers on the upper lip.

Crow lines around eyes.

Antiwrinkle injections.